Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thing #8

Slideshows: This is pretty awesome. As the thing description says, it's a great way to have a back up presenation. I can see this being very useful. I'm not a power point guy. Well, I would be if I had to do lots of presentations, but I don't, so I don't use power point much at all.

Oh, and thanks for helping me and John out yesterday Steve!

Picture Trail: I put up a fancy-schmansy picture doohickey. Again, I'm not a picture person really. The only time I take pictures is my annual trek to Gen Con. So that's what you get, my vacayion photos. You're going to get really sick of seeing me dressed like Indiana Jones. If you like pictures, and I know many folks are, picture trail is a cool way to put up pictures. If you're like me, it's something you're not going to be that into.

Lazybase: I checked it out. I already have so many databases I'm not using. If I had a need for a database, this would be a lot more helpful. As I don't, it's just something I'll have some knowledge of so that when, and if, I do need a quick database, I'll have a chance to remember lazybase.

Which brings me to a failing of of 23 things. It's too much! I have to hurry through and I'm not going to be able to retain all the information. I guess I have a bunch of web 2.0 info in one spot and if I ever need a web 2.0 solution, I'll know where to go.

I was going to do the eFolio thing, but that looks like something I'd want to put some time into and actually take some what seriously, so I'm skipping that. Maybe I'll come back to it.

I should add that I use Google docs quite a bit. That's one reason Lazybase wasn't too special for me. I already have easy to access databases, and I just don't feel like recreating them.

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