Friday, June 12, 2009

Thing 45

The Cloud: I dig the whole concept of the cloud. Accessing thing via the web instead of having them stored on you PC. It sounds great. Your machine would be dedicated to running the stuff instead of storing. Plus, I think cloud gaming will be major league kick ass. Now, it feels a little clunky. I'm thinking of the stuff on Facebook and web based games, not MMORPGs think WoW, whcih relied completely on stuff installed on your machine. I'm all about the cloud. The convienence, less reliance on your machine. It all sounds good to me.

I've been using google docs for years. I love it. I love have access to my stuff anywhere.

You put cloud computering and mobiloe devices together: Bomb. A 40 mageton awesome bomb.

I'm ready to make the jump to the cloud. Punch it Chewie!

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