Friday, June 5, 2009

Thing 43

Internet TV: I loves me some hulu. I'm so happy there's so much content available online now. A few years ago, a dirth (of legal sources), now everybody has stuff up so you can catch. Which is a godsent for shows like Lost.

It's sad that the BBC won't let us yankees watch their TV online. I'm guess that'll happen eventually.

I've had Netflix for years and year. I wish my Tivos were new enough to use the Netflix feature. Alas, I have 2 series 2 tivos, and you gotta have series 3 tivos for the Amazon, and Netflix stuff to work. Eventually, I'll upgrade, just not in the next few motnths. Probably when I make the jump to Blu Ray.

1 comment:

Sarah Jane said...

We just got a Roku box and love love love it.

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